Only 5 days to go….


Only 200 tickets available (147 left)

After last year’s success, the Mega draw is back but Time is running out to grab yourself a ticket for a chance to win $5,000! That’s right $5,000 and that’s only for first place, top 10 places receive a prize (refer below for full details) and every 20th ticket drawn wins $100. That’s a 1-10 chance of winningat least your money back.

Your ticket also entitles you to free drink (beer, wine, soft drink) and bbq* The draw also coincides with Grand Final weekend, what a great way to end the year as a club, whilst hopefully we will be celebrating a few grand final wins one lucky person is going to walk away with $5K in sky rocket!!!

WHEN: Saturday the 20th September

TIME: First Ticket Drawn at 7:00pm

COST: $100 a Ticket (can be split. eg. 4 x $25 each)


1st = $5000

2nd = $2000

3rd = $1000

4th = $600

5th = $500

6th = $400

7th = $300

8th = $200

9th = $200

10th = $200

Plus 10 x $100 prizes (every 20th ticket drawn wins $100)

Available Numbers:


Please contact Heather Shaw or Tom Griffin to book your ticket 0409 173 334 or 0424 617 363. All tickets must be paid for prior to the event.