It wasn’t hard to convince the Council officers that our beautiful new pavilion deserved some outside beatification also! And so it is that we’re now getting modern new fencing around our ‘internal ‘ car-park, a wonderful FHC logo sign to highlight the southern wall, and some landscaping to beautify the vast new clear-space between the fence and pavilion.
These types of local government projects ‘come with a rush’ towards the end of the financial year, and so it is here. The lovely new ‘internal car-park’ fence should be finished by the weekend (no more ugly rubbish skips beside our entrance gate!), the replacement of the low fence round F1 should take another week, and then the two fences at the southern end of F1 will disappear to be replaced by a giant (6m high) fence designed to stop all mis-hit hockey balls in the future.
All of the new fencing will be a lovely black powder-coated metal, designed to match perfectly with the black powder-coated fencing that will enwrap the wonderful new F2 that is coming to us at the end of the 2020 season.