We’ve had such a great time for the 4 weeks of the Come and Try program and so have all the many participants They have been such an amazing bunch of kids with great enthusiasm, excellent listening skills and trying their best to execute the skills and games we are teaching them.
They have learnt how to hold a stick, hockey ready position, dribbling, pushing, slapping, trapping, moving the ball left and right, stopping the ball, indian dribble, basic elimination skills and shooting at goal.
Games have included stopping game, slithering snakes, octopus, traffic lights, dragon eggs, rob the nest, What’s the time Mr Wolf, musical chairs, colour game, relay runs and more!
We can’t wait to see the Come and Try participants join our 3 Pre-Season trainings before the Easter Holidays with our returning U6, U8 and U10 members from 2022 on 23rd & 30th Mar & 5th Apr.