It was another huge session with over 133 children participating in our come and try program across 3 weeks. It would not have been possible to attract so many kids without our terrific school clinic coaches: Mitch Braiden, Georgia Nelson, Sienna Virtuoso, Natalia Vega, Hernie Isorena, Adrian McAlinden, Saul Austin, Geoff Peacock, Alannah Hibbard and Katie Ngan.
Huge thanks again to all the volunteer coaches and admin helpers at the Come and Try and it was terrific to see the parent helpers on the pitch!
Head Coaches: Julie Anne Sheehan & Nicole Virtuoso
Support Coaches & Admin Helpers: Sue Thomas, Alexandra Guild, Ally Sheehan, Geri Karla, Maggie Speed, Laila Ward, Anne Ward, Jaimee Skilton, Monica Singh, Ethan Brain, Kiran Murty, Georgia Nelson, Laura Milford, Alexis Darrah, Carly Hatton, Herni Isorena, June Warren, Tahlia Xinomilakis, Shirena Patel, Kate Neville.
We can’t wait to see as many Come and Try participants across to our U6, U8, U10 and U12 programs over the coming 3 weeks as we head to the Easter holidays.
Sessions are all still free, participants can borrow a stick and shin guards, however will need their own mouthguard.
U6 5.15 – 6.00 in the Cage area at the back
U8 5.30 – 6.30 on ASF (ground to the left)
U10 5.30 – 6.30 on BSF (ground to the right)
U12 Girls Tue 5.30 – 6.45 on BSF (ground to the right)
U12 Boys Thu 5.30 – 6.45 on BSF (ground to the right)
It’s not too late to join up and have a try if your child missed the Come and Try sessions, we welcome members at any time during the season. Contact: