It has certainly been a busy month with the board focusing on the new pavilion preparations in readiness for our Round 1 Social function and grand opening of the pavilion on Sat 4th April. Members will start to see new furniture, fittings and fixtures appearing over the coming 2 months. The Men’s & Women’s programs have continued through their pre-season preparations, notably the Pennant and Metro training commencing. The Junior section kicks off their pre-season program this week and the masters will begin a series of practice matches in the coming weeks. New board members have now had a full handover and are settling into their perspective roles with ease. The F2 re-surfacing project is churning away at council, we should be able to report in greater detail in the next Banter.
Some people think that an organisations strength can be measured by looking at their facilities, their programs, etc. We don’t think that way at FHC. We have always regarded our people as our greatest asset. But in recent years we’ve hardly ever capitalised on our people power. It’s time to break that cycle!
Our Club has the opportunity to bring to Victoria an ex Aussie ‘A’ player (male) whose hockey commitment at the top level is winding back, and whose desire to start to build an administrative /management career would be the driving force behind a relocation.
Sportspeople who have achieved representation at these elite levels have proven their worth ethic, their strong drive towards personal excellence, but also their commitment to team success. Can you give us a connection to a workplace that might have something for this young man to grab hold of?
Or are you the someone that knows someone else who might be able to help us out here? If you can help in any way, please quickly make contact with Planning & Performance Director Brendan Sheehan on either 0405 061 536 or at sheehans@bigpond.net.au.
Huge thanks to Howard Nicklas who has been completing a truck load of work for the Men’s section in a care taker role over the past few months. Unfortunately he is unable to commit to the job full time, but willing to support a new Men’s Director throughout the year. We are looking for expressions of interest in this role. There is a large committee formed and much of the season preparations are already in motion. Please contact President Rodney Johnstone, Vice President Nicole Virtuoso or General Secretary Neil Coster if you are interested in finding out more information about the role.
Thanks to Greg Hopkins, all board members and the entire team of helpers and volunteers for your preparation and attendance at the working bee on Sat 22nd February. To see so many hands make light work, there was a humongous amount of work done on the day, topped off by a sausage sizzle.
A number of key roles are vacant so far for this season that we’d certainly like to see filled to support the board and the directors.
Graphic Designer – to assist with graphics, social media posts, club poster design
Media Coordinator – oversee our social media, website and marketing communications to the members, club and community
Men’s Selection Panel Member – to join the selection panel of the Men’s teams, meets Thursday evening
U14 Girls Pennant Coach – training Tue 5.30 – 6.30, games Friday evenings. Remuneration available
Junior Umpire Coordinator – assist in rostering FHC umpires to games where HV do not roster umpires for U12 – U18
Men’s Metro B Game Day Coach – leading the Metro B team on game days
If you are interested in any of these positions please contact any director or
Vice President Nicole Virtuoso 0424 132 715 womens@footscrayhockey.com.au
Hope to see you all at the club soon!
The FHC Board of Directors
Wembley Avenue continues to be blocked and access to the club via ‘The Avenue’. Parking on the Wembley Ave side welcomed with a short walk to the grounds, the back gate will be open. Half of our car park is blocked off due to a mains water works for the next 3 months, so parking on site will reduce leading into the Winter season. It is best to plan ahead, leave extra time to travel to FHC and consider parking at the Bowling Club, surrounding streets and walking to the club.
Pictured below: FHC car park taken up by main water works


Footscray Hockey Club has always been very proud of our ability to gain volunteers to assist in the running of the club. Without volunteers, no matter how large or small the job is, are vital to our operations. In 2019 we survived a very challenging year, including no pavilion to display our Organisational Structure of 2019. Please see below and thank you to all members, family and friends who contributed to the 2019 year.

Planning and preparation is well underway for our 2020 season. The Information Pack and Calendar was distributed to Junior Families earlier in the week and our first coaches meeting was held to discuss training and Shield trial schedules.
If anyone is yet to receive their pack, please see links below
FHC Junior Information Pack 2020
If your child is in need of a professionally fitted mouth guard, please see information below.
FHC Mouthguard Fitting Information 2020
The Junior Section is proud to announce the selection of our Under 15 and U18 State representatives to compete at the National Championships. Maddi Passmore, Adrian McAlinden and Maddie Bezzobs in the U15’s. Lachie D’Arcy, Josh D’Arcy, Kean Weeresekara, Alannah Hibbard, Bridgette de la Mere and Kee-A enry (emergency). They all will be off to Bathurst in April and we wish them the very best of luck – play hard!
If you are interested in finding out more information about your child trialing for representative teams Wildcats, School Sport Victoria or the Victorian Team see below:
Represenitive Selectiom Information 2020
The Community Roadshow program is well underway with Carly James, Rebecca James, Brianna McLaughlin, Georgia Neilson and Will Smith spreading the good hockey word around our local primary schools. Our free Come And Try program kicked off last Wednesday and will continue for another 3 weeks. Nicole, our coordinator, is looking for older juniors and seniors to come down and help with basic skill demonstrations. If you can help out at any sessions, please let Nic know at come-and-try@footscrayhockey.
The Junior Committee is looking for anyone interested in organising a few fun social events or keeping equipment in check. If anyone is keen or interested please get in touch with me!
Picture: Alannah Hibbard & Bridgette de la Mere
Mel Sanders
0433 272 242
The 2020 registration system is open to all members.
All members must register with Hockey Victoria, Hockey Australia and Footscray Hockey Club through the new 2020 registration system Revolutionise. As the HV age groups are locked in – juniors are asked to carefully check both HV age groups, and the FHC fee that applies to your child.
Scroll down to ‘F’ and select Footscray, then select ‘Register’ (not ‘Renew’)
EVERY MEMBER IS TO SELECT ‘Register’ as the old system is no longer. (Renew will not work for the first time!)
FHC Fee payment is compulsory at the end of the online registration form. Please note a 2% + $1.60 fee applies to the FHC fees)
It is important that every person is registered separately as there are no linked options within this system.
Throughout the form, members will be asked questions about contact information, emergency contacts, canteen allocations and the type of club registration being selected.
Please contact the Registrations Officer if you have any queries.
Neil Coster
Registrations Officer
Footscray Hockey Club
0412 931 196