Women’s Round 7 Results

Three wins in Round 7, with a terrific show of spirit from the Premier League Team coming back and taking a win, well done! Also well done to M1N who continue to win and remain at the top of the table having not lost a game....

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Women’s Round 6 Results

A mixed bag of results this week, tipping to the win side. The ladder standings look great! Check out Bulldog Banter for the positions of each team. The results are certainly something the Women’s Section can be proud of....

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Bulldog Banter Edition 1

Please enjoy Bulldog Banter Edition 1 in 2013. Highlights include * Presidents Post * Section Summaries * Family Fun Day photos * Announcing all the 2013 Major Sponsors Bulldog Banter Edition 1...

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Women’s Round 5 Results

What a terrific round this week! No team lost, six wins and three draws. Well done to everyone. Congratulations to Olivia Colasurdo, Georgia Hopkins, Bethany Russ and Amy Scott who have been selected to represent the Victorian...

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Women’s Round 4 Results

A tough round of games for most teams this week, with a couple of massive double headers for our two top teams. A few good wins and some inspiration to come out hard in round 5. Premier League (Game 1/Round 4) 2 def Altona...

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Women’s Round 3 Results

  Round three was a great weekend of hockey with a massive 30 goals scored by the Women of FHC. The final tally of results were: five wins, three losses and a draw. Terrific work by everyone this weekend. Premier League 3...

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Women’s Round 2 Results

A less successful win/lose ratio for the women’s sides in round 2. Some hard fought games evident giving the teams some determination at training to carry through to round 3 and tip the ratio back towards the wins for FHC....

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Women’s Round 1 Results

8 out of 9 of our women’s sides won in round 1! Was a near on perfect start to the season and Nicole Virtuoso, Ladies Director who would have had to shout if all 9 teams had won! Premier League 3 def MCC 0 Goals H...

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Women’s Practice Match 3 Results

The FHC State League Team were in there to have one last hit out before the start of the season, playing MCC. It was  decided to rest a few players and give a run to some of the younger players of the team. The game started okay...

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