The winter season is well and truly underway. The players, team managers and coaches have all been working very hard on and off the pitch. It is really pleasing to see so many kids having fun and enjoying their hockey.
It is especially pleasing to see all the players, supporters and team officials embody the spirit of Footscray Hockey Club- playing hard, playing fair and supporting all players (from all teams) in a positive and encouraging way.
We want to remind players that this is a team sport, and so communication with your coach and team manager is imperative to let them know if you are going to be unavailable for a training session or game. Use Team App to make this easier. It is also an expectation that shield players attend their nominated team training session.
‘Play the Whistle’ award: Under 14 Mixed District
The Under 14 mixed district team is a group of incredible young men, on their way to becoming great citizens in our community. They have had a difficult start to the season, with being allocated to the wrong division, having 2 byes in a row and juggling two goalkeepers.
The teamwork and morale displayed by these young gentleman is to be commended. Even during a one-sided game, they kept their heads up and played in the true spirit of the game.
Congratulations to the boys and the team staff.
Each of them will receive a movie voucher from Sun Theatre (thanks for their support).

#Be More Bulldog Award
This goes to a player from each team that has shown determination and dedication, as well as great team spirit. Some Bulldog appropriate prizes will be given to you all. Congratulations and well done!
U12 Boys shield: Lucas Kohut
U12 Boys Pennant: Vincent Haddrell
U12 Girls District: Charlotte James
U12 Girls Shield: Eden Passmore
U14 Girls Pennant: Maggie Le
U14 Girls Shield: Elena Serovski
U14 Mixed District: Tristan Childs
U14 Mixed Shield: Stefan Kemp-Mykyta
U16 Mixed Shield: Valli McKeich
U16 Mixed District: Moses Huf-Tirfe
U16 Girls Shield: Jessica Campbell
Pictured: Eden Passmore U12 Girls Shield

Around The Grounds
Star 6’s
What a great start to the Junior season we have experienced so far! Our hockey players are showing fantastic improvement in their focus and in the following of instructions. They are also coping extremely well with the complex action of safely controlling a hockey stick with the correct hold. The focus of our coaching team is to build confidence in the children as hockey players and try to encourage their development in the following skills-
– Correct grip and pushing action with stick remaining low.
-Use of peripheral vision and ‘looking up’ rather than eyes always on the ball.
-Close dribble, i.e. keeping the ball on your stick.
-Passing the ball over a short distance.
-Trapping the ball
– Moving into space
– Travelling with the ball in a set direction
By the time the program concludes the children will have a sense of how a small game can build up to create the scoring or defending of goals; however, at this stage our focus remains mostly on safety. If you haven’t already done so could you please consider purchasing shin pads and a junior mouth guard for your child in the coming weeks. (Happy to discuss and provide further info)
Please know that any parent (with or without hockey knowledge) is very welcome to assist our coaching panel. Just introduce yourself to us and we will give you a role (but as we are a Play Safe club, we will require a working with children check). Many thanks to the families already getting ‘into it’ and supporting us with the children on Wednesday nights.
Cheers from
Julie-Anne (J.A.) 0405061535 sheehans@bigpond.net.au and Ania!
Super 8’s
Super 8’s are travelling nicely, we’ve had 3 rounds of hockey so far and all 64 participants in 10 teams have really enjoyed their first experience of 6 vs 6 games on quarter field. The team coloured Super 8’s polo shirts and socks arrived last week (albeit 12 pairs of socks on back order). Thank you to our terrific parent admin helpers Kylie Feely, Chrissy Jeromeson and Katie O’Brien who assist on the evening. Thank you to our amazing coaches who are providing these young hockey players with the best opportunity to learn and develop their trapping, dribbling, pushing and shooting skills. Game awareness such as attacking play and defensive play will continue to be taught over coming weeks. Our coaches are Brendan Sheehan (Head Coach), Ben De Zoete, Alex Grosz, Henri de la Mere, Anthony La, Myles Collins. Sean Brophy, Mel Sanders, Dave Sanders, Nicole Virtuoso, Kean Weeresekera, Randall Wee, Clare Mitchel Crow, Harry Brazil and Bridget de la Mere. The Super 8’s will have a social sausage sizzle after training one night soon – watch this space.
Under 10 Super League
Our amazing superleague teams (Emerald Canines, Red Dogs, Purple Pups and Golden Hounds) are all working really hard at their hockey. They train as a group on Wednesday nights, an play games between each other and 2 teams from Brunswick. All in all they have a great time, and we look forward to watching their long-term hockey careers! Big thanks to the coaches, team managers, and many helpers that make it all happen!
Under 10 Boys District North West – Blue
Despite an injury to our number 1 goal scorer, Charlie, we’ve had a great start to the season with 4 wins, no losses and no draws. The boys are adjusting to playing to the space and keeping the ball wide and being able to play in different positions. We finally defeated our arch-rivals, PEGS, last weekend after losing to them 3 times in 2017. The boys are playing with great spirit and have finally learned all the words to our song!
Under 10 Boys District North West – Red
After being good sports and letting the under 10 blue boys win in their first match against each other, the under 10 reds have had fantastic solid wins against Altona, Werribee and Caroline Springs. The boys are learning to play together as a team and their skills, especially the passing, are improving rapidly. The listening and concentration skills are also improving. Keep up the good work boys!
Under 10 Girls District North West – Blue
It’s been a great start to the year for FHC U10 Girls Blue. Coach Hayley has been working hard with the girls to work together as a team and you can see the results coming through already. After a competitive draw against Footscray Red, and wins against Werribee and PEGS, the girls have been working hard to put the skills we are learning at training into practice. Focusing on teamwork, passing the ball out wide and having fun. Great work girls!
Under 10 Girls District North West – Red
Footscray Red under 10 girls team came together as a group of girls of which very few knew each other. Over the last 4 rounds they have started to build into a fantastic team and the biggest complaint from them is that the game is over too quickly!! They are respectful of each other, communicate well and most importantly are having fun. This week’s game where we had 6 different goal scorers for the 6 goals they achieved is a great testimony to how well they are working together! Keep it up girls.
Under 12 Girls A Shield
Under 12 Girls Shield have started off extremely well and show a great deal of skill and teamwork which is continuing to improve. We think we can have a lot of fun on our way to the finals. We are so excited and proud to see the improvements already!
Under 12 Boys B Shield
The boys have had a strong start to the season in a very even competition. With each match the boys are playing more as a team and working together. Should be a great season!
U12 Boys Pennant
The U12 Boys Pennant team has had a great start to the season – learning the rules of the game, getting to know each other and scoring a few fantastic goals. It has been a pleasure see them all grow in confidence and capability – can’t wait to see what the rest of the season brings.
Under 12 Girls District
The U12G District team has had a great start to the season. The girls have shown lots of determination and a willingness to learn about the game. They have shown great spirit. We are sure that they will continue to grow as a team. Thanks to players who have made guest appearances, and the parents for cheering on from the sidelines and taking the girls all over Melbourne!
Under 14 Girls Pennant
The Under 14 Girls Pennant North West has gone into every game with determination to do their best regardless of the result they always leave the field with a smile on their faces. First game is the season was a great start with a win. Round 2 & 3 have been a little more challenging as they were playing against teams that don’t have a shield team so it challenged the girls. They have all pushed to be their best and I know will continue to strive to be better. I look forward to the rest of the season with them all (From supercoach Mon).
Under 14 Girls Shield
The Under 14 Girls shield has started the season with a four-game winning streak, with the round 3 game fielding only 10 players against the second ranked team. With only 4 games in, we have two players who have scored hat tricks (Bridgette de la Mere in game 1 and Zoe Hibbard in game 2). This team is top of the ladder and currently the one to beat. Great work girls!!!!!
Under 14 Boys (Mixed) Shield
The Under 14 Boys shield team has started strong, winning 3 from 4. Over half the boys are stepping up in their first time in a shield team, and a credit to them in the way they are learning the structure that Danny C is coaching. The boys are working hard are forming friendships, trusting in each other and working towards the coaches plan. It’s been a great start.
Under 14 Boys (Mixed) District
This team had it tough- fielding an inexperienced team in the pennant (B grade) against clubs that had multiple State players in their team. This meant the defence was consistently under pressure and they suffered some big losses. Despite this, they kept the morale up, the coaches have done a great job working with them, and the two goalkeepers are sharing the duties well. The whole junior section is hoping this team starts to get the success they deserve!
U16 Boys (Mixed) A shield
This is a really tough standard of competition, and the team has been working hard each week. The senior players are stepping up to help the more junior players, and the game plan is beginning to come together. These boys will all be better players at the end of the season, and impress us with their sportsmanship and team spirit.
U16 Girls A Shield
Under coach Frank’s guidance, the girls are learning their team structure, and improving their skills. They currently sit second on the ladder (3 wins, 1 loss) in a top-quality competition. This is also the year of school formals, so thanks to the U14 girls that have stepped in to help when they have been short.
U16 Mixed District
We’ve had a completely fresh new team come together this season to form U16 Mixed District. So far in 4 weeks, we have managed to not only get to know each other, but also pick up on each other’s playing tactics. Trusting teammates that you have never played with before is always a big step and the team is making that happen.

State Reps
Congratulations to Jade Robertson and Josie Erbsland who represented Victoria in winning the silver medal at the Under 15 National Championships in Wollongong. Sam O’Brien represented Victoria on the boy’s side, and our women’s premier league coach, Lachie Anderson was also there in an official capacity.
Congratulations also to Coen Sykes, who has been selected to represent Victoria in the SSV Under 12 boys team.
Pictured: Josie (left) & Jade (right)

Dates for the Calendar
Reminder that the Queen’s Birthday Weekend (June 8th and 9th) there is NO HOCKEY!
Next Saturday egg and bacon rolls/sausage sizzle: June 16th
Bogan Bingo: our fundraising event for the junior section. Tentative date: Saturday, July 21st
Family Fun Day: August 4th (TBC) to coincide with the Fair Go Sports Round!

Women’s Round
It was lovely to see so many happy junior girls around the Kennel during Women’s round on May 12th.
Even better that the Under 10 girls could run out with (as yet) unbeaten Premier Leagues team.
Thank you to the junior girls who have been ball girl for the Premier League team this year also
Thanks to Julie-Anne Sheehan for organising a wonderful club day.

West Welcome Wagon Donation Drive
The junior section of Footscray Hockey Club is pitching in to help the West Welcome Wagon (WWW).
The WWW is a not-for-profit organisation that donates material to refugee and asylum seekers and their families.
They are based in the western suburbs, and we are very excited as a western suburb community group to be working with them.
More information? https://www.westwelcomewagon.org.au/
We will be placing donation bins in the club rooms (kindly donated by Bunnings West Footscray) for the junior sections to donate canned goods or toiletries.
There is a list of what (and what not) to donate on their website, but we will also have some posters up to help you near the bins.
Don’t donate: tinned spaghetti, soup or baked beans. But please consider donating rice, nappies, lentils, chickpeas, tinned tomatoes etc
Which junior age group is going to donate the most?

The following junior players have achieved game milestones in rounds 1-4 of the season:
50 games:
Albee Damnics
Caleb Fowler
Charlie Godbert
Charlie Hayes
Chloe D’Souza
Daniel Toussaint
Eden Passmore
Eleni Kikidis
Felix Marsh
Henry Pawlus
Katie Nicholson
Kit Waddell
Lachlan Toussaint
Lucy English
Mackenzie Sykes
Maggie Le
Miles Hobbs
Noah Liew
Oskar Hayes
Zachary Wickson
100 games:
Jamie Colwell
150 games:
Harry Brazil
Lily Nicholson
200 games:
Josie Erbsland
Alannah Hibbard

Showing that (bull)dog people can also be (wild)cat people, congratulations to the Footscray Hockey junior players that were selected in the Wildcats teams for the Junior State Championships in July. They will be held at the SNHC and Footscray. Well done all!
Under 13 GIRLS
Madeleine Bezzobs, Zoe Brown, Isabel Butler, Zoe Hibbard, Eleni Kikidis, Georgia Kikidis, Eden Passmore (GK), Maddisun Passmore, Elena Serovski, Kate Thomas
Under 13 BOYS
Caleb Fowler, James Gale, Oskar Hayes, David Lienert, Adrian McAlinden, Findley Nolan-James, Coen Sykes
Under 15 GIRLS
Bridgette de la Mere, Josie Erbsland, Olivia Marshall, Laura Milford (GK), Jade Robertson, Charlotte Whiteside, Ashleigh Winter
Under 15 BOYS
Ewan Bezzobs, Harry Brazil, Will Harper, Sam Komp, Daniel Lienert, Sam O’Brien
Under 17 GIRLS
Helayna Braiden, Tate Brazil, Jessica Campbell (GK), Alyssa Janke, Amelie Keane, Ania Kosowski, Zoe Thomas
Under 17 BOYS
Joshua Bradfield (GK), Josh D’Arcy (GK), Lachlan D’Arcy, Kean Weerasekera

Questions or Feedback?
Thanks for reading through this entire newsletter!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask your team manager, or a member of the Junior Committee.
Junior Director (Caroline Mansfield):
Under 16 coordinator (Simon de la Mere):
Under 14 coordinator (Leonard Robbins) AND MPIO officer:
Under 12 coordinator (Peter Sykes):
Under 10 coordinator (Vicky Mannix):
Under 8 coordinator (Nicole Virtuoso):
Under 6 coordinator (Lynette Gilchrist):