All members that have already come to FHC for the new season would be well aware that our club space is now substantially a no-go building zone. Council’s appointed building company has been on-site for several months now, and they’re flying ahead with creating, in effect, a new home for FHC.
The current position sees our internal space an empty shell with both levels of the building (i.e all downstairs amenities, and all of the mezzanine spaces upstairs) demolished and gone! New flooring is being created in that part of the building, following which we would expect to see steel framing appear on site and the new works would be underway.
Please be careful when around the site as there could be loose surfaces / sharp objects / wobbly elements that have escaped the builder’s keen eye. But the fields are ready to go, and we have been given a mini space inside in which we can make visitors or our own reasonably comfortable. Thanks for getting on with business whilst these obstacles are around. It will be well worth the wait!
An interesting edict from the International Hockey Federation is that in future all international matches will be allowed to be played on top quality ‘hybrid’ pitches. The day of the watered pitch may be numbered, with the international federation rightly identifying that our planet’s water resources are scarce, and the consumption of water to make hockey pitches a little bit more effective cannot be justified. FHC will continue to utilise it’s ‘watered pitch’ for the benefit of our players, but we’ll be looking for ways to save water as much as we can.
The temporary facilities at FHC mean that the toilets are located on the F2 side. Please see below map.